Does Liz cover where my horse lives?

Liz works in Surrey, Hampshire and West Sussex as well as offering consultations at her private yard in GU10.

Do I need veterinary consent for treatment?

The treatment of horses is currently regulated under the Veterinary Surgeons Act (1966) and Exemptions order 2015. This means that it is illegal for any person to carry out a manipulative therapy on any pet without consent from their vet. Click here to download your Veterinary Consent form. Do not hesitate to contact Liz is you require assistance with this.

Does my animal need anaesthetising or sedation to have a treatment?

Although some horses come via veterinary referrals, the manual therapeutic treatments Liz gives does not involve any anaesthetic or sedation to be administered to your horse. If the horse’s behaviour is considered dangerous then the treatment session may be drawn to a close early.​

Is the treatment safe for my horse?

The McTimoney chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue therapies that Liz is trained in are all very safe for horses and readily accepted by most, including the older horse.

At the beginning of the consultation Liz will take a full history and this will include looking for any contraindications to treatment.

If during the session any reason indicating treatment is not advisable that day will mean that the session will be reduced and the horse referred back to your vet for further investigation.

Liz uses only her hands to deliver all the therapies to your horse during the consult.

Will my horse like the treatment?

As horses are unique, each session will be tailored to the horse being treated and what is assessed on that day. Those horses that are a little agitated at the start generally settle down and enjoy the treatment in a relaxed and calm manner.

Are practitioners insured?

Liz is insured with Holistic Insurance Services. Additionally, Liz is a fully registered member of the MAA which guarantees clients that the practitioners hold the appropriate insurance.

Can I make a claim on my Horse’s insurance?

It is very common now that Chiropractic and Soft Tissue therapies can be claimed on your insurance. This is dependent on the insurance policy you hold and can be confirmed by contacting them directly.

What animals does Liz treat?

As a fully qualified McTimoney animal chiropractor Liz is trained to treat a range of animals. Although most of Liz’s work is with horses, she is happy to hear from you if you are interested for your dogs, cats or farm animals.

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Have any questions? Feel free to contact Liz or book an appointment.
