Service Overview
Horses are prone to musculoskeletal issues simply because of the demands put on their bodies, with each equine discipline affecting different tissues and regions of the horse’s body. This can be exacerbated by injury, poor foot and teeth balance, the effect of tack, or even just aging. This may lead to spinal and pelvic misalignments as well as fascia and muscle tension, possibly resulting in pain.
Liz combines her training to offer a service suitable for horses of all breeds, ages, and disciplines. Treatment is ideal for preventative treatments, general maintenance, and post-surgery. Liz uses only her hands to deliver these very gentle, non-invasive, therapeutic treatments to the horse.
How The Session is Planned
The hour-long sessions will start by Liz clarifying that veterinary consent has been given. Please do contact Liz if you require any assistance with this before attending your appointment. Liz will then take a detailed history of the hors. Garnering information on your horse’s level of work, health, behaviour, and way of going. This may highlight areas of spinal misalignment or soft tissue tension that may require treatment.
A static analysis of your horse, including conformation, body score, tension, joint restriction, and reactivity of soft tissues is completed next. Highlighting areas that may benefit from soft tissue body work.
Then you will be asked to walk, trot, circle and back up your horse in hand, on a level surface. This allows Liz to complete a full gait assessment and ensure your horse is moving as expected according to the history taken and the static assessment, and not presenting as lame.
Next Liz will palpate your horse's head, neck, back and pelvis, noting any misalignments that would benefit from McTimoney chiropractic techniques.
The treatment will be given, ideally in a clean dry area with no overhead beams. As each horse is an individual the therapeutic benefits will vary between horses. Generally, three sessions are required to identify the improvement and the horse’s unique baseline for movement and muscle tone. The need for additional sessions will be dictated by the horse, but in an ideal world they would be seen on a regular 3 monthly basis to maintain their health.
An individual aftercare plan can be devised by Liz working with you the horse’s owner or manager, ensuring it is manageable with your own daily routine and finances. Assessment, treatment, and aftercare details will be available to send to your vet and other animal health professionals on request.
Please read the full Terms of Service for Liz Wenman.
If an appointment is cancelled with less than 48 hours’ notice, a charge will be incurred equal to 50% of the full consultation fee.
If for whatever reason, including lack of veterinary consent, it is not safe or appropriate to treat your horse at the appointment, then you will be changed 50% of the fee for the call out and initial assessment.
Liz Covers Surrey, Hampshire and West Sussex.
Consultations are also possible at Liz’s private yard and longer stays are organised for horses requiring a series of therapeutic treatments.
Enquiries are welcomed through the contact form or via phone on 07795 056 356.